Monday, March 30, 2009

My daughter Anastassia is in the Costa Rica's National Surf Team

My daughter is in Ecuador as member of the National Surf Team. It seams it was yesterday that I splash around in the water right in front of Playa Chiquita Lodge with my Anastassia. I use to call her the "water rat" because she will be in the water for hours and hours and wanted more. I thought her how to swim when she was barely a year old buy making her look at my eyes inside the water. In this way she will loose the fear. If you keep eyes close is most likely to be afraid. It worked like a charm. She is now competing in worldwide level surfing and following what she likes best. I must admit I have been skeptical at times but only because I’m afraid for she is my baby Anastassia but than I see how big she is and realize is out of my hands.

I have been giving more landscaping time to my

Bella Vista Development Project

It is amazing how much plants grow in the rainy periods we've had in the last few months. I landscaped and planted so many natives to the "linderos" and they are all nearly covering the gorgeous ocean view! Each time I go back there I fall in live with this land allover again. I know I made a pretty good choice. You will be surprise how gorgeous it is from up there. It feels like having the world at your disposal. Property value has gone sky high in CR. Investments make sense now that the financial situation is what it is. An old friend of mine visit me again this weekend Ian Ratowsky and good old Ian reminded me of how great we have it down here in the jungle. He said. - " at least Wolf when things get tough you just go down there and splash for a little bit in that great big blue and you forget your troubles and gain some life time" yeap!! And that's just what I do Ian, that's just what I do!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New York Times sunday Edition - International - March 22, 2009

Written by a satisfied customer

The Western Hemisphere has eagerly awaited the return of Playa Chiquita Lodge's culinary gifts under the direction of Dr. Wolf Bissinger & sous-chef Wanda Patterson.
The quiet jungle location belies the sophistication of the fare presented at last night's showcase meal.
Under the open-air bamboo lodge, guests were treated to a first course of fresh salad accompanied by a wonderful roasted garlic & whole wheat toast.
A beautiful house red wine then prepared the palate for an exquisite fillet of beef, cooked to perfection, with a pepper & oregano sauce that won't soon be forgotten.
Dr Wolf et al, BRAVISSIMO!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What's for Dinner?

After I had dinner, grill lobsterwith garlic and butter, my wife and 10 year old son Thomas enjoyed it very much, well me too actually!!! - It reminded me of the times I use to cook for my guests. A long time a go when there where not many restaurants around. I made my standar German dishes and some I added in to my collection of favorites. Anyway, I decided to open the restaurant again. just like that! pum!!! I will buy some, pots and pans and I'll get some ashtrays, glasses. Plates and alll that stuff I have. I will put up a sign out side restaurant is open! pum!! - Yeap! I will cook maybe three different dishes a day - Open at 5 till 10pm and Maria will help in the kitchen Jorge can help outside. Ok that's it I will open the restaurant this weekend. Come and join me if you don't like my food we will at least discuss about properties. See you than.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The walkway to the beach got washed out

I have been here and lived trough so many storms and yet never have I seen something near to the amount of water that have comedown since last November in this cost. Is just been storm after storm, non stop. Even I begin to feel the weight of the destructions is causing. Our beach walk way is totally washed away. Fernando my neighbor started to do some lands movement yesterday with heavy machinery. I wouldn't have done it to that way but I'm glad he is doing it, it’s well appreciated. Our neighbor on the right hand side, a lawyer from san Jose who doesn't give a flying rat, land is higher than ours, so of course, it all washed into my walk way and wreck Fernando's and my rain water ditches. Now we must re do and make so our land is higher than his. We’ll see. I have no more bridge. Is buried three feet under! We'll live trough it though. The beach is looking better I will definitely go running tomorrow....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My website is updated

Is not an excuse but, since this rain hasn't end is been kind of difficult to get thing going. I took a little time to watch a little football, I must confess! I have most of the properties listed on my Real estate page now. Is not state of the art design but it get the point across and all information is there. Don't forget I am 24/7 waiting for your phone call if you need to get better info about any of my properties. I spend less time and money on the packaging so I can keep my prices down! The prettier the packaging the less I trust a product, contrary to whatever my wife says!! My cell phone is: (506) 8875 3924. Remember prices are low at the moment and I'm always willing to discuss it. I may not be an easy guy to discuss politics with for my views are pretty much set at this point. Never the less a good investment discussion can go a long way!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Buying beach property - part II

Purchase of Land through Costa Rican Companies

In any of the above mentioned cases, both Costa Ricans and foreigners are always advised to buy land through a company. Among the advantages of forming companies for this specific reason, the reduction of personal liabilities and taxes are the most outstanding.

Ownership of recordable assets, such as real estate and cars, has become the main purpose of most of the registered companies in the country. Hence this method of "indirect" possession, is the most highly recommended means of managing recordable assets.

Once formed, a corporation may be fully controlled by a sole shareholder. This allows the concentration of corporate powers which allows a single individual, or a small group of people, to operate the company in a relatively simple and inexpensive manner. Your attorney will be able to help you find the best ways to ensure control of the company and the overall handling of corporate power.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Buying beach property - part I

Buying beach property

Public Law No. 6043 of 2 March1977 establishes a restricted coastal zone called the "Zone Maritimo/Terrestre." It comprises a 200 meters long strip of land along both the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of Costa Rica, measured from the high tide line toward the inland. This "Maritime/terrestrial" restricted zone is given a differentiated treatment since it is owned by the national government and administered by local governments (municipalities). It is divided into two sections:

a) The Public Zone (Zone Publica): 50 meters wide strip of land between the high tide line and the outer line of the "Restricted Zone" (Zone Restringida).

b) The Restricted Zone (Zone Restringida): 150 meters wide strip of land from the inner limit of the Public Zone toward the inland.

No private individual or corporation is allowed to build on or use for private purposes any portion whatsoever of the Public Zone. However, they may obtain a lease concession on the Restricted Zone for private or business use.

Leases on the Restricted Zone are authorized by the Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) and granted by the relevant municipality. Beneficiaries of lease concessions are granted the use, occupation, and possession of the land, including the right to build.

No lease concessions are granted to non-Costa Ricans who have resided in the country less than 5 years, nor to foreign companies, nor to national companies of which 50% or more of its stock is owned by non-Costa Ricans.

Lease concessions may be transferred with the previous approval of the municipality and the ICT. They are generally granted for periods of time that range from 5 to 20 years. The lease granting municipality is entitled to charge a small leasing fee. The lessee can apply for an extension of the lease concession at the Municipality. Extensions are normally granted with the previous approval of the ICT.

There are very few exceptions to Law No. 6043 of 2 March 1977. Beach front land that is not regulated by this Law can be found, but it is extremely unusual to have property titles in areas within the restricted 200 meters.

An American investor wishing to acquire a lease concession must do it through a Costa Rican corporation. Land not included in the Public or the Restricted Zones can be purchased individually and with no special restriction or limitation

Before acquiring a lease concession, the buyer would ask his or her attorney to examine the Municipality Records, verify the seller's ownership status, as well as general tax and leasing dues. A similar procedure applies to the purchase of non-restricted land described above.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Friend from San Diego

Today is Thursday and again is raining. Not so much as yesterday but raining non the less. La Nacion said that there is a cold front coming from North America due to the severe winter they are having. I am glad I'm not there. Poor Dennis his my old partner from San Diego and I'm sure even San Diego is getting chills. I met Dennis about more than twenty years ago. He was a great partner to meet back than and a great friend to have now. I see him at least once a year and is always great to meet him at my chess court. He does have better strategies than me but in politics his a bit confused. Any way The Bella Vista Development Project still has me running a bit even though today I started walking rather than running. My breakfast and newspapers where late but a good hour was spend keeping in touch with the world, OK maybe an hour and half or two, who keeps count..Oh yea i forgot my wife!

The Bella Vista Project

The Bella Vista Project

Located in a town call Buenos Aires; maybe it gets its name from the high altitude in which is located making the air a bit fresher. Is about 3 kmts distance from the ocean and the main highway. This road is almost exactly between Caribe Sur and Limon making it ideal for a deluxe development for residents and a tourist project as well. I found this wonderful piece of property by chance as I always do. It was not even to imagine something so beautiful was hidden up there. Once I saw it for the first time I was left breathless and quickly picture the lots and the development possibilities. I saw that view and I could even imagine the houses, buildings an so on. In general people look for opportunities in crowded places. My philosophy is to look where there is nothing. I move away from the crowds and start a new one.
There are 48 hectares in total. After I got the trucks, bulldozers and all other machine necessary which was not an easy ordeal considering the land was not located near all the other developments. I manage to part 8 properties. It was difficult to give them all an ocean view which is what makes it all worthwhile.
There are 8 lots of about 2000 sqm. and a The Finca: a larger piece of 30,000 sqm for a grander project. The sale bargain price for this one of a kind deals is U$10 sqm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Constitutional Courts Declares Puerto Viejo and Cahuita Are Not Cities

In a long awaited decision released on Feb 25, the Sala Constitucional declared that the law
At stake are the unspoiled beachfront properties of the area and who gets to make the decision to of how to develop them making Cahuita and Puerto Viejo cities was unconstitutional.

Law 8464 passed in October 2005 had declared that these communities were municipalities. This would have allowed people who have lived in these areas for many years to obtain title to land as the city designation would have exempted these areas from some of the provisions of the maritime zone law which states that the first 200 meters of property from the high tide line is public property. Under this law, in effect since 1977, the first 50 meters can not be developed at all and the next 150 meters can only be leased from the government as a “concession”.

But law 8464 was challenged from the very beginning and it also did not specify the boundaries of the proposed cities. So local property owners and governments were left in limbo as to who would ultimately be responsible for making rules and determining development planning.

Real estate agent Manuel Pinto told the Talamanca News that this decision is unfortunate for those long time residents who would obtained more valuable legal title to their land. But much of this land had also been bought from those long term residents by speculators in the hopes that title would come through. Those residents and those to who they have sold to will now have to abide by the maritime zone rules.

While giving title to those currently holding such land would’ve been a boon to them financially it would have also opened up that land to development which didn’t necessarily respect the natural environment or character of the area.

Local property developer Christer Ericsson stated that “longtime residents have no reason to fear eviction if they truly have been living on their lands before the law took effect and obtained it in a lawful manner. They will simply get the right to the concession inheriting the rights and obligations that comes with it. Concessions will be granted by the local government (Municipality) and ICT only. The arrival of a plan regulator is setting the stage for proper planning and zoning that will protect our community in the future from indiscriminate development.”

Ericsson said his impression is that overall “the community is welcoming this decision and are happy to see all institutions unified working together for the sake of all residents and the future of the community.”


When I first arrived in Costa Rica

I arrived in Costa Rica more than two decades ago. In one hand I held a small suitcase containing only what I had managed to grab in a matter of a few minutes prior to a simple and definite phone call.... In the other hand I held on tight the sweaty pudgy hand of my one year old son, Patrick. This was Germany 1978 my life had taken a severe turn and it was putting me in the middle of a cross road where decisions needed to be made immediately with out blinking or else and the choices where not up to me but up to ...chance. A few hours later I was glaring over clowds at the grouds bellow aboard an airplane in direction to Central America, country unknown with no friends or family awaiting my arrival...just a tranquility sensati