Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bella Vista Project

The Bella Vista Project

Located in a town call Buenos Aires; maybe it gets its name from the high altitude in which is located making the air a bit fresher. Is about 3 kmts distance from the ocean and the main highway. This road is almost exactly between Caribe Sur and Limon making it ideal for a deluxe development for residents and a tourist project as well. I found this wonderful piece of property by chance as I always do. It was not even to imagine something so beautiful was hidden up there. Once I saw it for the first time I was left breathless and quickly picture the lots and the development possibilities. I saw that view and I could even imagine the houses, buildings an so on. In general people look for opportunities in crowded places. My philosophy is to look where there is nothing. I move away from the crowds and start a new one.
There are 48 hectares in total. After I got the trucks, bulldozers and all other machine necessary which was not an easy ordeal considering the land was not located near all the other developments. I manage to part 8 properties. It was difficult to give them all an ocean view which is what makes it all worthwhile.
There are 8 lots of about 2000 sqm. and a The Finca: a larger piece of 30,000 sqm for a grander project. The sale bargain price for this one of a kind deals is U$10 sqm.

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